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Showing posts from August, 2017

None can question patriotic spirit of Indian Muslims

Engineer Affan Nomani The Uttar Pradesh government recently directed all madrassas to hold celebrations on Independence Day and videograph the event. The patriotism of Indian Muslims is being questioned today . It is very unfortunate that Those who question Muslim's love for this country, they were not involved in quite India movement and freedom struggle.   I studied the series of  books  like :-  Hardly peter's   ' Partners in Freedom  and True Muslims: Thought of some Muslim scholars in British India , 1912-47'  ,     ' Composite Nationalism and Islam '  written by Moulana Hussain   Ahmed Madni in 1938 ,  ' The Prisoners of Malta ( Asira'n-E-Malta )'  written by  Moulana Syed Mohammed Mian ,  ' Moulana Hussain Ahmed Madni ' written by Barbara D. Metcalf , Indian national congress and the Indian Muslim written by Dr. Khawaja Iftekhar Ahmed.  These series of  books beautifully des...

Lynching to power :- Irfan Engineer

 Irfan Engineer Mashal Khan, a 23 year old journalism student was seized from his dorm room by a mob that stripped and beat him, then shot him dead on 13 April 2017 in Mardan in North West Pakistan. Khan was accused of offending Islam (Rasmussen and Baloch 2017). In the month of May 2017, a mob attacked a police station demanding that Prakash Kumar, a 34 year old Hindu, arrested under blasphemy laws of Pakistan, be handed over to the mob (AFP 2017). Just over a week later, a mob attacked a mentally ill man who claimed to be a prophet at his local mosque in north-western Chitral (Pakistan). He was rescued by police. The spate of incidents followed government of Pakistan’s drive against blasphemy. Unproven allegations of “insult to Islam” led to dozens of mob attacks or murders since 1990 in Pakistan. India is trying to catch up with Pakistan with spate of mob lynching after the BJP Govt. was elected to power in May 2014, different only with regards to minor details. Replace the...

Dalit’s struggle for social justice :- Ram Punyani

Ram Punyani This July (2017) a large procession of dalits was arrested while they were taking out the  Azadi Kooch  under the banner of Rashtriya dalit Adhikar Manch (National Forum for Dalit Rights). The march was to commemorate one year of Una flogging on the issue of Holy Cow. Since then young leader Jignesh Mevani with others has been trying to organize the oppressed people under Dalit Atyachar Ladhat Samiti (Committee to fight against atrocities against Dalits), with the slogan “Give us land-you keep Cow’s Tale”. They had first refused to dispose of dead cattle. Many a carcass was put in front of collector's offices. The demand emerged from the movement that they want land for their dignified survival. As such this movement comes as a big landmark of the depressed castes for their dignified survival. While the condition of dalits had been partly improving after independence, the betterment has been taking place at the snail’s pace. There are various obstacles to t...

देश में लगी नफरत की आग को बुझाइए :- अफ्फान नोमानी

अफ्फान नोमानी भारत जैसे सोने की चिड़ियाँ का घर व रंग- बिरंगे फूलों का बगीचा कहा जाने वाला मुल्क आज जिस परिस्थितियों से गुजर रहा है, उसे मैं पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉ जाकिर हुसैन द्वारा कहें अन्त:करण को झिंझोड़ देने वाला कथनों से शुरुआत करना चाहूँगा जब सन् 17 नवंबर 1946 को दिल्ली में साम्प्रदायिक दंगे के बाद देश की बड़ी प्रसिद्ध विभूतियाँ, प्रबुद्धजनों व प्रसिद्ध लेख कों व चिंतको द्वारा दिल्ली में आयोजित विशाल जन - सभाओं में भव्य जन-समुह ( पंडित जवाहर लाल नेहरू, मौलाना अबुल कलाम आजाद, राजगोपालाचार्य, मिस्टर जिनाह, अल्लामा सैयद सुलेमान नदवी , बाबा-ए-उर्दू अब्दुल हक, प्रसिद्ध शायर हफ़ीज़ जालंधरी , सर शेख अब्दुल कादिर, सम्पादक, मासिक पत्रिका मखजन, लाहौर, मौलाना कारी मुहम्मद तैयब, प्राचार्य, दारुल उलुम देवबंद और अनेक शीर्ष राजनीतिज्ञ मौजूद थे ) को सम्बोधित करते डॉ जाकिर हुसैन ने हुए कहा था - " आप सभी महानुभाव राजनैतिक आकाश के नक्षत्र है, लाखों नहीं, बल्कि करोड़ों लोगों के मन में आपके लिए प्रतिष्ठा व्याप्त है। आप की यहाँ उपस्थिति का लाभ उठाकर मैं शैक्षिक कार्य करनेवालों की ओर से बड़े ही द...