Engineer Affan Nomani The Uttar Pradesh government recently directed all madrassas to hold celebrations on Independence Day and videograph the event. The patriotism of Indian Muslims is being questioned today . It is very unfortunate that Those who question Muslim's love for this country, they were not involved in quite India movement and freedom struggle. I studied the series of books like :- Hardly peter's ' Partners in Freedom and True Muslims: Thought of some Muslim scholars in British India , 1912-47' , ' Composite Nationalism and Islam ' written by Moulana Hussain Ahmed Madni in 1938 , ' The Prisoners of Malta ( Asira'n-E-Malta )' written by Moulana Syed Mohammed Mian , ' Moulana Hussain Ahmed Madni ' written by Barbara D. Metcalf , Indian national congress and the Indian Muslim written by Dr. Khawaja Iftekhar Ahmed. These series of books beautifully des...