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Israel declared a terrorist state, its president to India not welcome: Jamiat demonstration at Jantar mantar

New Delhi:- Nov. 18, 2016, 
Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind and many other religious and social organizations led by Maulana Usman Mansurpori, JUH President today here at Jantar Matar New Delhi, denounced Israel as a terrorist state and expressed their condemnation over current visit of Israeli President to India.
 On this occasion representatives of different social and religious organization addressed the gathering including Maulana Usman Mansoorpuri, Mohamad Saleem Engineer, Secretary General Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Mr. Naved Hamid, President All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, Shabnam Hashmi, ANHAD, Dr. Zafrul Islam Khan, Maulana Jalal Haider Naqwi, Joint Secretary Majlise Ulama-e- Hind, Mufti Affan Mansurpori, Maulana Niaz Ahmad Farooqui , Maulana Hakimuddin Qami ,Qari shaukat Ali etc.On this occasion a memorandum containing several demands were submitted to the Honorable President of India which has been endorsed by dozen of organizations which included Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, Jammat-e Islami Hind, All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, ANHAD, AIUDF, Jamia Collective, All Inida Tanzeem-e-Insaf, Delhi, Mewat Vikas Sabha, Mewat Karwan, Shoulder to Shoulder, Palestine Solidarity Organisation, UK

The President of India
Rashtrapati Bhawan
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
We denounce the unwelcome visit of the Head of the terrorist state, Israel, to India.
People of India have always supported the just cause of the Palestinian people. We have always demonstrated our solidarity with the Palestinian victims of the Israeli terrorism and occupation. We totally reject the diversion of our established policies and principles in the interest of world peace and human rights.
India’s diplomatic relations with Israel began in 1992 in the wake of a “peace process” which has abjectly failed the Palestinian people but earned Israel the benefit of international recognition and broad complicity with its crimes against humanity. Over the last 25 years, ties between India and Israel have been growing on all fronts – trade, economy, technology, military, as well as academia and culture while the people of Palestine today are deprived of peace and justice than ever before.
There is nothing to celebrate in India’s relationship with Israel. Neither the Palestinian people nor Indian citizens who cherish human rights support close relations with Israel’s undemocratic and exclusionary regime of apartheid. S
We denounce the visit which aims to strengthen Indo-Israeli ties at all levels. Relations with Israel provide financial support and legitimise the policies of a state that continues to violate international law and human rights with impunity, a state which has set up an apartheid regime against the Palestinian Arabs, transformed the majority of the Palestinian people into refugees by expelling them from their homes and destroying their villages, and brutalises the daily lives of the people in the West Bank and Gaza, where it has been in military occupation since 1967.
We stand in firm support of the decree of UNESCO giving primary rights to the Muslims over Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque complex and its Western Wall. Al-Aqsa mosque is the first Qibla (direction for prayer) for Muslims and therefore a highly sacred site. Thus, it is not related only to Palestine; rather it is a property of the entire Muslims community around the world. Over the years the UNO has passed hundreds of resolutions in favour of the oppressed Palestinians. It is highly condemnable that Israel is continuously violating the resolutions of the UNO and the world community and continues killing Palestinian children, men and women in different ways. It seems that Israel has no regard for the international law and human rights.
Therefore, we demand Indian government, the world community, Muslim World and the UNO:
1. To intervene for establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state so that the way for rehabilitation and return of the Palestinian refugees may be opened. Also, Israel should be compelled to vacate the occupied Arab territories and stop its expansionist policy.
2. The blockade of Gaza should be immediately lifted. If Israel does not care for the resolutions of the UNO and continues forcing millions of people living under siege, it should be declared a terrorist state and subjected to economic sanctions.
3. Now when the trusteeship of Muslims over the Al-Aqsa mosque has been decreed, Israel should immediately vacate the Bait al-Muqdis and hand over the control of Al-Quds to the Palestinians.
4. We consider the policy of the present Central government of India towards Palestine as a deviation from the old and established policy of the country. India has always favoured the freedom struggle of the Palestinians and supported the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state. We express our disappoint over the intentional absence of India from the voting conducted by UNESCO on the Al-Aqsa mosque issue and the Prime Minister’s comparing the surgical strike with the illegal Israeli strikes. We demand the Indian government to revisit its relationship with the tyrant and expansionist Israel following into the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Atal Bihari Vajpayee, and not to violate the traditional friendship of India with the weaker and oppressed people around the world.


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