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What paramount qualities should be in a good Teacher ?:- ER. Affan Nomani

 Er. Affan Nomani Addresses the Students and Faculty members
  of  Gyanam Junior College, Hyderabad on the occasion
 of Teacher day on September 5, 2019.
Before Shed light on the relation of teacher and student, I want to share the light moment of the past When I was preparing for AIEEE
 ( All India Engineering Entrance Examination ) under the guidance of Honourable Lecturer of physics, Mr. IR Shamser, in 2011.  I solved the Numerical analysis in a different method, Shamser sir focused upon the analysis and become very glad.  Two months later, Shamser sir said in a Programme that the Educational Institution is a place of learning and teachers can learn from students as well. Do not think that you know more than the students. At times, you never know if your student actually has a much better idea or even answer than you do. (Don’t assume)Today I am a  lecturer of IIT physics and author of Comprehensive physical science but I consider himself as Learner because Considering himself as an expert will reduce the interest of learning new ideas. Personally, I believe that " Teaching is all about love, kindness, and inspiration! ".
Students and Faculty members
 of  Gyanam Junior College, Hyderabad

I think some of the paramount qualities such as- ( 1) Empathy ( 2) Respect the individual  (3) Patience and focus (4) Time management (5) Ability to be a good student (6) Ability handle failure well and 7) Trust must be in a good teacher. 
1) Empathy:- Empathy is one of the important paramount qualities that must be in every lecturer. Without showing Empathy towards the students we can't motivate the student on the right path. Personally, I believe that we can change the world, to make it better, beautiful and peaceful on the basis of Empathy. A teacher must instruct a  vast array of different individuals.  Being able to identify different personalities with their various experiences, thoughts,  feelings, and attitudes is necessary to be able to instill your lessons into them.  While a teacher cannot expect to understand every student, a good teacher is able to discern the differences of their students and then tailor their message accordingly so that it has a  greater chance to be beneficial.  This is no easy task and success will vary greatly based on conditions in the classroom, in the teacher's life, and in the life of the student.
2) Respect the Individual:- Today in 21st Century, Everyone believes in the concept of " live and let live ".  We can't humiliate them during asking a question while we have to give some space for thinking and Because the Emerging question in his/her mind will elaborate on some new ideas. Respect (from students) is gained by respecting others, not by commanding through fear. Coercion inflected in the name of teaching is not the method of good teaching. A teaching method that tries to force a  student to conform is not as effective as a teaching method that provokes a  desire in the student to learn.  By empathizing with the individual student,  a good teacher is able to influence in a  way that does not judge the respective person but does judge the effectiveness of their work.  People try harder when their dignity is intact.
3) Patience and Focus:-The reason these two virtues are together is that they reinforce one another.  Patience is the bearing of provocation, annoyance,  misfortune, or pain, without complaint,  loss of temper, irritation, or the like; this is achieved through a focus on what is of most importance which is usually the education of your students, though sometimes it is the safety/welfare of your students. Patience can be one of the most difficult qualities to acquire if one does not already possess a good amount of it. It is also a lifelong struggle as sustaining patience and focus in some situations can be almost impossible. It is certainly a valuable trait and it needs to be constantly practiced upon. Focus too is under constant attacks from the trivialities of life. Like much of what is of great worth,  it is difficult and takes great determination and maturity to develop.
4) Time management:-Being able to manage time well is crucial for the effectiveness of the lesson.  A lesson is like a machine you are building. Too much time spent on one part of the machine will cause other parts of the machine to suffer and the finished product will be left wanting.  Now a  perfect machine is a good goal, but unlikely; so a better goal is to make the best machine possible in the time afforded.   (This is where priorities come  into play because one will not use their  time well if their values are askew.)
5) Ability to be a good student:-An interesting fact about teaching is that one cannot teach well if one cannot learn well.  Teaching is a dynamic process that must be allowed to develop differently based on the conditions, influx of new information,  and evolution of methods.  Being open and willing to learn will allow a teacher to grow and safeguard a teacher from becoming stale or irrelevant.  It will also guarantee that the teacher is humble which will make the teacher more empathetic, patient, and less apt to abuse the authority he has been given.
6) Ability handles failure well: -A good teacher cannot adequately reach every single student.  This failure should be lamented, but it should not discourage a teacher to the detriment of his craft.   Actually, acknowledging and grieving failures should be the substance of growth. Learning to deal with failure in a  positive manner can be the difference in progressing or regressing as a good teacher.
7) Trust:-If a student does not trust a  teacher he will be resistant to the lesson being taught no matter how valuable the lesson may be.  In order to have a  student trust a teacher, the teacher must not only try to be moral, fair and upright in his manners, comments, and ideas; but the teacher must also trust the student. Sometimes this can seem like gullibility.  For example, when a student is clearly lying about why he did not finish an assignment; by not assuming guilt and instead of looking for a solution, a student will be motivated to atone. The focus is on teaching, so trusting a  student will make the student want to be worthy of that trust, and learning will be more likely. Now I could have made this much shorter by just saying love is the most important thing for a good teacher, as all these qualities come from love. 
Writer Affan Nomani is a Research Scholar of SERF and Author of Comprehensive physical science.


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